Thursday, 11 December 2014


This morning I joined a few hundred other people in doing the Parkrun, a 5 kilometre run. Or if you are me, a 5 kilometre walk interspersed with attempts at running. Somehow I am able to dance for 7 or 8 hours in a day and sprint but I cannot run long distances.
Perseverance is something that dancing has taught me. Even when you've been dancing for hours and hours and your legs feel like jelly and your feet hurt more than you thought was possible, you just have to carry on going. When you think you can't go on but do anyway you are building strength. Right now that feels like the analogy for my life. Sometimes it feels too much but you can't quit. It gets better even if it doesn't feel like it right now. Once you get your breath back you can start enjoying the journey again. Even in the midst of it all God is right there and you're never truly alone even when it feels like it and even though it's terrible being in the middle of a hard time it will all work out best in the end cause God's got a much better plan for you than anything you could ever think up for yourself.

~ I wrote this a while ago, but never published it~

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